Thursday, November 13, 2014


Let's start with some good news; Dave feels a little better.  Hooray! He is learning (and remembering) how to ease himself in and out of chairs and in and out of bed.  Those first few nights were pure agony for him and it is such a relief that he is better at managing his movements.  Speaking of movements, this is Dave's favorite new (to him) wonder drug.  Required to balance the only annoying effect of the pain medication.  Enough said.

This morning was the first day Dave wasn't watching the clock for his pain pill, and in fact I had to remind him to take it.  As soon as he swallowed it, he said he could tell he was due as the incision area was starting to throb.  It's not good to let the pain get ahead of you.

We had a late morning appointment with his oncologist.  Dr. S. had not received the pathology results, so he called Dave's urologist to see if it had become available.  It had not.  He examined Dave's incision and said considering Dave had this surgery just three days ago, both he and the incision look remarkably healthy.  We discussed options for treatment if the mass turns out to be melanoma, and set up another appointment for early December for further discussion.  In the meantime, Dave and I will be looking into the use of Yervoy (ipilimumab), as that may well be the recommendation.

Yesterday Dave had an appointment with his dermatologist, and she found nothing on his skin to warrant further examination.

Now to the fun part -- what made us laugh today?  A LOT?  Kim Kardashian's nude photos and the flurry of photoshop activity that it started.


  1. Thanks for the update, Cindy. Glad to hear that Dave is feeling better, and that Dr.,S is pleased with his progress. I just did some reading about the drug you mentioned, which was sobering and scary. We hope it will not be needed.

    On a much lighter note, I am pleased that Kim can actually move her face. Apparently, getting naked helps with that. Usually, she has a blank, vapid, frozen look. What a strange woman. I'm glad you and Dave had some laughs today, regardless of the source!

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