Monday, November 17, 2014


You read that correctly folks, no report yet on what Dave's mass was!  He had an appointment with his urologist this morning and we were told the lab was 'ordering a stain.' I asked if that meant his cells (on the slides) were something other than routine, something unusual.  I thought all they had to do was look at them under a microscope and we would know what they are.  The doctor said, "This whole adventure has been unusual," without really saying yes or no.

My interpretation of what he told us was that the lab was out of a particular stain (like Ritz dye) they needed to further examine Dave's cells, and they had to order some from the stain store.  Don't laugh too hard, those of you who know better.  What he meant was 'a stain' is a very ordinary type of procedure, and the lab was ordering that procedure.  Oh. (And I think that's right - if I understood Molly correctly.)

So we are not to read anything into the fact that a stain was ordered, or that it has taken so long.  Both Dave's urologist and oncologist were dismayed at the delay.  AND SO ARE WE.

The urologist removed the staples from Dave's incision, which has left him with discomfort this evening.  The doctor said the incision is healing well, at least it looks great.

A special thanks to Paul today, for being Dave's chauffeur and spirit lifter.  I went with Dave to the urologist, but then I went to a makeup clay class, to my podiatrist, and shopping for shoes I can wear to Libbie's wedding, and a wrap for my sleeveless dress.  The countdown is on to the wedding weekend, and there are too many places I need to be, all at the same time.  So thank you Paul for helping Dave take care of Sandy while I did my To Do List.

Tonight we celebrate - unfortunately not the results of a lab report - but with some of our great friends here in The Landings.  I'm going to dinner with The Belles to celebrate Allison and Fran's birthdays, and Allison's husband Bob is picking up Dave for their own dinner out. What in the world would we do without our fabulous friends???


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