Wednesday, October 9, 2013


I am happy to say today's treatment went very well.  Dave wore warmer clothes, he drank 3 cups of hot tea, and everything went smoothly.  His blood pressure was a little low, possibly due to the Demerol he had yesterday and not enough fluids to wash it all out.  He had been wanting a bowl of French onion soup, so we went to Panera's for lunch where he could satisfy his craving.

Dave took a nap in the afternoon and later we checked on a neighbor's house (which we do while they are away), walked to the dog park then home.  We covered about two miles, the first exercise either one of us have had in several days.

The main entrance to Memorial
This evening Dave has had a slight temperature, his shoulder is bothering him, and he is feeling very sluggish.  He said this is the worse evening he's had.  We know the effects of the drugs can be cumulative, so we can expect even more symptoms as time goes on.  We'll try to combat them, though. You've heard, "Better Living Through Chemistry"?  I believe it!

One correction - the hospital we go to is Memorial Health University Medical Center.  When I wrote yesterday, I left out the most important word, Health!

Associated with the hospital and on the same campus is the Curtis & Elizabeth Anderson Cancer Institute (ACI), which is where Dave's oncologist has his office, and where Dave gets his chemo.

1 comment:

  1. Did Dave wear his lightweight thermal underwear from his AT hiking days? Some of those silks can be so warm and so comfortable.

    I wish we were closer so I could do a special soup delivery to y'all. If anybody is heading that way from ATL let me know and I'll piggyback a Care Package. Hugs to both of you!
