Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Dave is currently receiving his drugs and since I intended to write yesterday but didn't, I'll get to it.  BTW, there is internet here in the treatment room.  I just didn't find the right access on Day 1.

When Dave had his vitals checked yesterday (Monday) he had lost a total of 9 pounds in two weeks, his white blood cell count was fractionally better than it was Friday, his blood sugar is in the normal range, and there was some number related to his liver (I'll have to find out what it was) that is creeping up but not at a problem stage.  He had an itchy rash develop over the weekend and we're treating it with Benedryl gel. Today Dave came up with the idea that it may have been from his microwave-heated neck warmer, putting too much heat on his chest, so we'll watch the heat.

Dave's appetite has been decreasing and he didn't eat dinner last night.  Rosemary (NP) said to not worry - yet - and gave him a couple of bottles of Boost and Glucerna to try.  He has some "crackling" in both lungs so he is to do some deep breathing and coughing to prevent any fluid buildup that could lead to pneumonia.

Those are the vitals - now for the fluff.

Trying out a rocking chair 10/19/13
Dave had a pretty good weekend.  He slept well Friday night and was willing to go to a patio furniture store Saturday after breakfast.  Now that we have an awning to cool off our patio, I think it's time for a couple of comfy chairs.  We weren't out long, and went home for lunch.  We need to be careful about Dave being around too many people, and I give him the hand sanitizer every time we leave a public place. I knew this small store would be quiet, and we were the only customers there.

Coleman came to play after lunch, and wanted to get out the "bone and arrow."  Dave obliged and had him shooting for a while.  Our priest came by for a visit, so Coleman and I played kick-the-target-box while Fr. Sam and Dave visited.  Afterwards, Dave napped until suppertime.  Later, we walked around the Village Green circle.

Sunday was a similar day except we didn't go anywhere, not even to church because of the number of people.  However, flowers were delivered from our alter, and one of our friends came by to visit.  As he was leaving, Coleman arrived for more playtime (Chase had swim meets Saturday and Sunday).  He wanted to play more kick-the-box, so he and I were outside while Dave watched football.  Chad came to pick Coleman up and had a few minutes with Dave.  Dave napped in the afternoon then we went to our neighbors' home for a wonderful dinner.  We were home by 7 pm and Dave went right to bed.

Yesterday was breakfast, treatment, lunch, another visit with Fr. Sam who brought a prayer shawl, nap time, and as I said, no dinner for Dave.  He is a little slower today but hanging in there!

1 comment:

  1. I wonder which is the more difficult way to lose weight...walking the Appalachian Trail or having chemo treatments. Never mind, I know the answer to that. Dave is tough! Glad he is getting through this so well, and that you are both taking precautions to keep him away from germs.

    Thanks for the update. It is wonderful to see the photo of Dave. He looks great!
