Saturday, October 12, 2013


Hurray, today is Saturday and Dave has a day off from chemo.  The previous two days were fairly uneventful, especially Thursday.  Friday Dave felt he was starting to get the chills again, so I made him more hot tea, the nurses put hot towels on his chest under his vest and added another blanket.  He made it through okay.

Dave was shivering so badly on Tuesday he thinks he pulled a muscle in his shoulder,  or perhaps somewhat damaged whatever repair was going on.  It's the same area where he had his lymph node surgery under the collar bone.  His shoulder area has been aching badly since then.  For two nights now he has been using a heating pad which seems to help.

Dave has been very fatigued and has taken a nap every afternoon except Thursday, as we had workers at the house.  We had an awning installed over our westerly facing sliders, and the workers needed supervision.  And a ladder.  And a broom.  And I don't know what else, I left it to my supervisor.

Friday was busy.  After the chemo, I was instructed on how to flush the picc line, and did it once so a nurse could watch me.  I'll be doing it once each day over the weekend.

Then we took Sandy out for lunch.  She was having a very good day although her arm (fractured in two places weeks ago) was bothering her near her elbow.  After taking her back to Savannah Square we stopped at Kroger's then the recycling area.  I had loaded the car days earlier with our paper, cardboard and plastic.  I was glad to get it out, as something didn't smell good, though everything should have been clean.  The car sits outside in 85º+ heat while we're at ACI, so something got ripe.  I was glad to get rid of that trunkful of junk.

Dave napped, our dear friend Liza, chef extraordinaire, brought over home made vegetable soup and a baguette which we had for a delightful dinner.  We sat outside under our new awning and enjoyed a drink, talked to our friends across the fairway who just returned for the winter (such as it is in Savannah), and decided all is right with our world.
 After writing these first paragraphs, I went out to do errands and drove over our new, high, FINALLY opened bridge!  Dave was mowing the grass when I drove in the driveway.  Wow.  I cleaned up the front patio, put more water in the fountain, and tried to get a picture of our visiting hummingbirds, but I guess they are shy.

Now it's noon, and time for flushing Dave's picc line.  I did it!  Pin a badge on me.


  1. Sorry that Dave got the chills again on Friday, and that the violent shivers on Tuesday may have injured his shoulder, where it is healing. Yikes, he doesn't need any additional trauma.

    Amazing that he felt well enough to cut the grass. Superman!

    I love the awning, Cindy. It is beautiful, and will provide your patio with some nice shade. Great idea!

    And kudos to you for your first successful flushing of the picc line. I have pinned a virtual badge on you.

    Love to both of you as you soldier through this!

