Thursday, September 19, 2013


We FINALLY heard from the surgeon who performed Dave's Aug. 8th lympadenectomy.  As you may recall, Dave's case was to presented to the conference of MD Anderson multidisciplinary melanoma specialists on Sept. 9th and we've been waiting to hear the results of the discussion.  In a nutshell, the recommendation is for chemo (interferon) with the same schedule as our local oncologist described.  The uncertainty was whether or not to do additional surgery to remove more lymph nodes.  Dave is weighing the pros and cons today, and we will talk to the surgeon again tonight to either schedule surgery or just a follow-up visit to Houston.  Dave will have the chemo in Savannah.  We don't have a timetable for that.

I would like to provide more detail, but I have a clay class to get to this morning.  I'll write more after our discussion with Dr. Ross this evening.

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