Friday, September 20, 2013


Dr. Ross (MD Anderson surgeon) called this morning to further discuss surgery with Dave.  We had put together a list of questions to prepare for the discussion, which mainly centered around the risks and benefits of removing more lymph nodes in addition to having chemotherapy.  Although Dr. Ross fully and carefully addressed our concerns, he said it sounds as though Dave would prefer to forgo surgery.  He (Dr. Ross) said because there were so few melanoma cells found last time, he did not feel strongly about the benefits of surgery, so let's just go with the chemotherapy.  That's what we'll do!

Dave has a call into our local oncologist's office to get the chemo set up.  It feels good to have a plan!


  1. I'm curious about what the program will be, and if it will be a very aggressive type of chemo therapy. Hoping Dave can continue to enjoy a bit of his whiskybae.
