Friday, March 7, 2014

CHECKUP 3/6/14

It's been a month since I've updated this blog, as it's been a month since Dave had a checkup.  The last one was in Houston at MD Anderson when all the indicators were peachy, and yesterday's results were just as good.  Last week Dave had a brain MRI and a whole body PET/CT scan.  Thankfully, Chad was able to read the radiology reports within 24 hours and told us everything looked good, so we didn't have to wait to get the 'official' review.

Yesterday's visit included blood work.  Dave's white blood cell count stayed steady at 2.3. His platelets improved from 149 to 171, but the GRA dropped from 1.4 to 1.0.  This is the infection-fighting part of his white blood cells, so as usual, we are careful to avoid any infection-carrying people - which means avoiding being in crowds!  Dave dropped 3 pounds since the last time he was weighed in this office, which makes a total loss of 19 pounds.

Overall, both Rosemary (NP) and Dr. S. were impressed with Dave's ability to tolerate his treatments and his great attitude.  They didn't think Dave had much hair loss, but we know differently!  He's lost a ton of hair, but it is growing back. He has lots of short little fuzzy new growth.  You may not be able to tell in this picture.  He's been working on our taxes, and his sister's, and I think maybe he's pulled some of the hair out himself.

Dave's progress is so steady, he isn't scheduled for another appointment for 6 weeks!  Then in August we'll be going back to Houston for another checkup at MD Anderson.  And since we don't think Dave is up for a traveling vacation this summer, we're already starting to plan one for 2015!  We want to take another river cruise and spend a few days in Paris (which is why this blog still has the Eiffel Tower photo - inspiration!).  Who wants to go?