Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Nothing but good news today.   Dave saw Dr. Ross, his oncological surgeon, after seeing
Dr. Ross' nurse and his PA.  Dave went through his issues with all of them, his fatigue, weakness, hair loss, skin rashes, and the occasional discomfort and pain at his surgery site. All of them, especially Dr. Ross, commented on how good he looks and how well he is doing. Today is a 'day-after' (a shot) so Dave really isn't feeling very well, and he was surprised and gratified at all the positive comments.

We received the results of the blood tests.  Dave's white blood cell count dropped from 2.9 to 2.3.  His platelets rose from 139 to 149 (back in the normal range).  MD Anderson's count of the neutrophils seems to be on a different scale from what we get from Dr. S. in Savannah, so I can't compare these numbers to what we usually see.  We know his liver enzymes were checked, and the PA said all the numbers look good for someone being on this treatment plan. We have the printout, so we will of course share the results with Dr. S.

Dr. Ross requested a new CT or PET scan when Dave gets back to Savannah, and then a return visit 6 months from now.  He told Dave to stay on the treatment plan, and Dr. S. did the right thing by reducing his dosage.  As long Dave doesn't find any new bumps, lumps or moles, he is free to not return, but Dave likes having that second opinion, and wants to stay in touch with Dr. Ross.

It's been a rainy day.  Before Dave's 1 PM appointment, we had an early lunch with Bobbie and Jeff.  Bobbie twisted my arm and we started with a glass of wine to go with our pizzas.  :-) How much cozier the restaurant seemed.  When it was time for Dave's appointment, we dropped off our car at the valet service, and were checking out 1 hour and 8 minutes later. MDA is efficient!  Then when we got back to Jon and David's, the sun came out.  Like I said, nothing but good news today.


  1. Jeff and I are thrilled, happy, relieved, and filled with optimism to read your good news! Kudos to Dave and to you for handling this long and difficult treatment regimen with courage, grace, and good humor. Safe travels back to Savannah, after you celebrate!

