Monday, August 5, 2013


Today Dave had lab work done - results were "perfect," CT scan - results were no change to the spots on his lung and liver, which is just what we wanted, and finally, a second consultation with the melanoma specialist Dr. Bedikian.  We were trying to ascertain whether Dave should or should not have the ILP.  Dr. Bedikian's attitude is, "Why wouldn't you?" He emphasized that if Dave's melanoma is 'in transit' the ILP will have no effect on his longevity. If it was a local recurrence and not in transit, the ILP reduces the risk of recurrence by 80%. What is the risk of recurrence without ILP?  That seems to be the biggest unknown, as today he said 30% although that is a general number, and Dave is at higher risk because 1) he has already had one recurrence and 2) it was under his skin which make it more likely to be in transit.  Confused?  So are we; as we have heard and read many different probabilities of recurrence.  We have to keep telling ourselves that no one knows the answers, and we have to do what feels right after ingesting/digesting all the information we can.

Dave's wrist after injection of contrast for CT scan
The problem with trying to treat melanoma is that since it is such an aggressive disease, and yet every person (body) is different, it is extremely hard to tell if treatments are effective, or if the disease would have acted the same regardless of treatment.

We asked how well ILP patients recover and if most regain full usage of their arms.  Dr. Bedikian said the most prominent problem he sees is skin damage, though over time it heals.  He also said he may be seeing only the patients that are the healthiest after the procedure.  He doesn't do the procedure, and many of the patients (like Dave) would be returning home rather than to him for follow-up, and if they require different and/or additional treatment, they may go to different specialists for on-going care.

We meet with Dr. Ross tomorrow; he's the surgeon who performs the ILP.  I'm sure he can provide more specific and hopefully more useful information.  Dave's ILP is scheduled for Wednesday, though he can cancel tomorrow if he feels it is not the right thing for him.

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