Saturday, August 31, 2013


We were eagerly looking forward to getting the final pathology report, certain it would confirm all the other scans and path reports that Dave was cancer-free.  That was not the case.  In one of the two lymph nodes taken from Dave's clavicle area, a melanoma tumor was found. That changes things.

I could speculate about what options we'll have, but I think it's better to wait until we have a chance to talk to the doctors again, now that we know his melanoma is in-transit.

Jimmy & Diane McCallum and Dave
We found out Wednesday, Aug. 28th, just before we were having friends over for dinner.  Thursday Dave started making phone calls to get new appointments, and we both had things we were doing with friends in the afternoon.  Friday there were more calls, and our fabulous son-in-law went to the hospital on his day off (!) to (among other things) get in touch with Dave's oncologist.  Friday afternoon our friends Jimmy and Diane McCallum arrived from Macon to spend a few days with us.  Their timing could not have been better.  Dave and the McCallums have been friends since long before I knew him. It was great for Dave to be able to relax with people who know him so well.

I keep reminding myself Dave has a very unusual history with melanoma, with 2 small tumors in 7 years.  We'll keep hoping and praying this latest revelation is fairly inconsequential.  We're not in denial, we're hopeful!


  1. Danr, double darn! This is not what we wanted. Please keep us up to date on your plans and if there is any way we can help.

    We are on stand-by to deliver Guinness ice cream floats and any other wild outlandish requests that will make us smile. Impromptu trip to Pais? Check!

