Sunday, July 7, 2013


Here's the history of Dave's melanoma to date:

February 2006 - Dave had a couple of 'pimples' on his upper right arm that wouldn't heal.  Our dermatologist recognized them as melanoma, though they did not look like freckles or moles.  They were removed and the pathology report confirmed the diagnosis.  Two follow-up PET scans in 12 months showed no more cancer activity.

April 2013 - Dave felt a lump under his skin, at the bottom of his scar from his previous surgery.  It became inflamed and his skin got red.  His surgeon thought it looked like an infected cyst and put Dave on antibiotics for a week, then surgically removed the lump.  The pathology report concluded the 'cyst' was actually a recurrent melanoma.

May 2013 - Dave had a brain MRI and a whole body PET scan, both of which were negative for cancer cell activity.  Two small spots were detected on the PET scan, one on his liver and one on his lung, that might require further examination.  He had an MRI on his liver, again with a negative result.  The spot on his lung was determined to be "likely tiny cyst" with no required follow-up.  Dave had a second surgery on his arm to be sure the margins were clean, and they were.

June 2013 - Lots of research going on about whether or not to have additional therapy, and what kind.  Therapy (chemo) would be to lower the risk of melanoma recurring.  Dave requested a consultation with melanoma specialists at MD Anderson in Houston, TX.

July 1, 2013 - Dave had a his consultation at MD Anderson with Dr. Agop Bedikian, who told him his melanoma is Stage 3C.  Dr. Bedikian would recommend a therapy called "Isolated Limb Perfusion" and also having a CT in about a month to be absolutely certain the spot on his lung has not grown.

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