Wednesday, July 10, 2013


We had a very positive conversation this afternoon with the Physician Assistant (PA) of the surgeon, Dr. Merrick Ross, who would perform the ILP on Dave's arm, if that is what is decided.

He told us:
+ Dr. Ross is 'probably' the preeminent surgeon performing ILPs in the USA
+ Dr. Ross has had to amputate only one limb after ILP, but that patient had multiple problems
+ The risk of amputation is less than 1%
+ The hospital stays for arm ILP is generally 3-4 days after surgery
+ Recovery is in the ICU so if any problems, specifically muscle damage, is detected it can be treated immediately and effectively.

I noted in an earlier post that Dave's next appointment at MD Anderson is July 31.  That has changed.  The current schedule is:
Aug. 5 - CT scan on the lung
Aug. 6 - Consultation with Dr. Ross
Aug. 7 - ILP, possibly
Aug. 8-9 or 10 - Recovery in ICU
Aug. 10 or 11 - Discharge

The PA reminded us that if Dave's melanoma is determined to be 'locally recurrent' meaning it was probably a vestige of his original melanoma, it is a less risky situation than having 'in transit' melanoma which has already gotten in his blood stream and is traveling.  (Remember, this is grossly simplified and I am not totally accurate in my descriptions.)  However, ILP may be too aggressive for locally recurrent melanoma, and Dave may be sent home to closely and regularly monitor his body for additional changes.  Frankly, that sounds good to me.

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