Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Here it is, a brand-spanking new year, and we have high hopes for a healthy and happy 2014. We celebrated New Year's Eve very quietly - we went out for a Chinese dinner (an old tradition) then watched The Perfect Host via Netflix, in bed.  Dave had had a good walk during the day and took a long nap, and was able to make it through the movie without falling asleep. Even if he had fallen asleep, my laughter would awakened him.  (Good movie - if you like David Hyde Pierce.)

Dave had his blood tested yesterday morning.  He had mixed results:
WBC went from 2.8 to 3.1 - good!
GRA went from 1.5 to 1.6 - good!
PLT went down from 162 to 133, not so good, as the trend has been steadily downward for the last several tests.

I haven't mentioned the platelets before, as Dave has always been within the normal range of 140-440, but now he's below where he should be.  Platelets help with blood clotting, so getting a cut would now be of more concern.  Rosemary said he's not in the Danger Zone, but we'll keep checking this number, as well.  Dave will get his blood tested again in a week.

12/29/13 at Libbie's in Hoschton, GA
We had a great trip to Atlanta, stopping to see Steve and Rita, Dale and Gina (and kids), Libbie and Mom, Kathy and Gary, Travis and Karen, and Jimmy and Diane.  Pictures will be posted on Facebook.  Dave managed by napping every day, but the good company and great fun went a long way to ending 2013 with fond memories.

Here's to good cheer for a New Year! Thanks to everyone for all the love and support you've given us in 2013, and we look forward to an even better 2014.

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