Monday, November 11, 2013


We didn't see Dr. S. today after all, but we did see Rosemary, his NP.  Dave had his vitals checked and they discussed when to start his self-injections.

Dave's weight was up 7 pounds from last Wednesday.  I have a sneaking suspicion his last weigh-in was in error.  I didn't think he had lost 8 pounds in 10 days, though that's what was reported, and I don't think he gained back 7 in 6 days.  Either Dave was severely dehydrated at his last visit, or there was a little blip on the scale.  Whatever -- he is down 10 pounds from where he started and I am certain he had added back a couple of pounds this week.  His appetite is returning.

All his blood counts are back in the normal range and in fact his white blood cell (WBC) count is exactly where it was before his first treatment (4500)!  That's a good thing, as Dave is tired of being a hermit, and we went out to dinner Saturday night (Coleman's birthday) and to church on Sunday.  He stopped on the way home today to get a haircut.  When his WBC count was so low, he not only had to avoid people, he certainly didn't want to get a scrape or cut and end up with an infection, so he felt he was overdue for a haircut.

Dave 11-11-13
Dave is not looking forward to the coming 11 months of injections, not that he minds injections, but he does not want to feel as weak and fatigued as what he experienced last month.  He could have started them today, but he and Rosemary decided they would wait one more week so he could recover a bit more strength.  Rosemary seemed to think that with the 18 or 20 unit dosage Dave will be getting, he may not have to inject 3 times a week, it may be less. She is going check with Dr. S. and we'll know for sure next Monday when he starts.

I'm assuming there may not be much to report in the next week as Dave plans to take it easy but also start exercising a little, maybe even going to the pool.  I will update next Monday after we get his injection schedule.  We will also know the results of how his liver is doing.

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