Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Looking back, I see I didn't post at all in 2016.  Remember this, no news is good news! Dave had good news all last year, and 2017 is starting off the same way.  Bottom line, there is no evidence of disease, and the few lesions/nodules/cysts found in his lung, liver and kidney have been stable for 3 years with the assumption they are not malignant.  We know they are stable because Dave had blood work, a full-body CT scan and a brain MRI yesterday.  Today we saw his surgeon (who told Dave several times how good he looks) and his melanoma specialist.  Both doctors agreed Dave should stay on his regular schedule of getting checkups every 4 months with oncologists, and every 6 months with his dermatologist.  He will see his Savannah oncologist in 4 months, then come back to MD Anderson in another 4 months.  At his next appointment in Houston he will get not only the usual blood work, CT scan and MRI, he will also get an ultrasound of the area where he had his last lymph node removed (under his collar bone).  This was the area where melanoma cells had traveled, and the surgeon wants a more thorough look.

Because Dave has felt well since his last checkup, we were confident we would get good news, but once Dave starts drinking his contrast and gets an IV in his arm, our anxiety rises.
The IV is in.
Thank you everyone for your concern, good wishes and prayers.  It helps.  It sustains us. Now I want to enjoy my birthday party, and later, be like Quincy.